‘Unacceptable’ new Bill of Rights proposals
We do not agree that a Bill of Rights should replace the Human Rights Act and do not support any of the proposals set out in the government’s consultation document.
At the heart of these proposals is a rejection of an inclusive human rights culture. If taken forward, these measures will dilute all of our rights and freedoms. Even worse, they will create a division within our society of those who are considered deserving of rights and those who are not.
We fundamentally reject this approach.
Our response to the consultation focuses on those proposals which are likely to have the greatest impact on survivors of human trafficking and slavery.
It is our experience that the HRA currently works well.
It has helped to ensure that victims’ rights are respected and protected and has spurred the development of the UK’s anti-trafficking and modern slavery framework.
These proposals will dramatically weaken survivors’ rights and undermine their ability to hold the government and public authorities to account when their rights are violated.
This is likely to lead to an increase in the violation of rights and culture which tolerates this.
This is unacceptable.
Read our full response to the Human Rights Act consultation.