All survivors have a right to identification, safety, support, secure status, justice and remedy.
We are campaigning for changes to systems and policies in order to make this a reality for all survivors.
Access to safety
There is a legal advice crisis for survivors of trafficking and modern slavery, large numbers of whom are not able to access timely and specialist legal advice.
We are calling for changes to legal aid funding to end this legal advice crisis.
Access to legal advice
Compensation is crucial; for recovery and sustainable freedom for survivors, and to punish and deter traffickers. Yet, the number of survivors who are able to obtain compensation, either from their trafficker or the state, is woeful.
We are working for changes to law and policy so that survivors are compensated for the crimes committed against them.
Access to compensation
Access to safe migration
Restrictive, tied and temporary visa schemes in the UK are driving exploitation, trafficking and debt bondage of migrant workers.
We are campaigning so that migrant workers can access rights and remedy when abuse and exploitation occurs, and for an end to policies which drive exploitation.